Sunday, July 27, 2008

Past month!!!

So it has been a while since i posted last and i know i said i was going to try and start consistently posting again but yeah. So anyways things have been going great. For starters Jenny and i got baptized!!!! it was an amazing experience, that i would not traded for the world. It has been cool to see how getting baptize makes Jenny and I feel when we are together. We have both said that we just feel different about our relationship. I truly feel that after getting baptized that God was giving me the ok to take the next step in our relationship. I am convinced now that Jenny is the women for me. I really feel as if God wants us to be together, and that He is going to do BIG things in and through us as a couple.
So as i am typing this blog right now, i am sitting at the fire house, getting ready to go to bed. I just started working 12 and 24 hour shift this past month, and let me tell you, THIS JOB IS SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this job and love coming to work. Lets just say that there are only a few things in this world that i would be willing to get up at 5 a.m for, one of them being GOLF and another would be to come to work. It is so sweet!!!!! When i go to bed the night before i have to be at work, i am like a little kid on Christmas eve, just so excited to get up the next day and see whats under the tree, well i am so excited to get up and see what my day is going to bring. Just recently i got cleared to drive the squad, which means that when we get a run i am driving lights and sirens. Yeah i no kind of crazy, i legally get to speed and cooler then that is i get payed to do it. Its been great finally getting to work, and "being in the real world with a real job".
So yesterday was my birthday and i am now 20. WOW i feel like i am old, but i know i am not at all, its just 20 seems like that age when you have to grow up and start being an adult.

Well anyways i hope all is well with everyone else and hopefully i will get to blog more now that i am working more!!!!!!!!!!

Firefighter at a Cross

Firefighter at a Cross

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About Me

I am a fun loving guy. I try to live every day to the fullest, and live my life as a mirror image of Jesus. I fall short consistently but every day i strive to make Him smile!!!!!!!!!!