Thursday, January 17, 2008

Coming back Home............................................

So its been a while but in that time that i last blog i have learned so much. I have been brought to tears with so many issues. I truly feel as if God broke my heart. For the past few months the desire to be in His word and to be with Him has been a joke. It kills me to think that the God who created me just wants to talk to me and have me listen to Him, but yet i want to listen and talk to this world. I have learned for the first time in my life what a true and real friend is. As mush as i want to call my fire class mates my friends, there not. And its not because of personality differences or anything like that, its because the one thing that I NEED in my life, they can help me with. They can't give me the spiritual support that i need. The support that i need from my friends.

This past week i was given the Bible on MP3 and i put it on my MP3 player, This may not seem that big to you but to me this has been the best tool for me. To have someone read the Bible to me has been amazing. I am on Matthew 22 right now, and having someone read it to me, i have picked up on more things then i ever did when i read these chapters myself. For the first time in 6 months, i want to be in the word. This simple MP3 has started me on the path that i want to be on. I have began to worship every night in song and sing to my God. Here are the songs that are on my play list..........

Mac Powell and Fernando Ortega - Our Great God
Mercy Me - God with us
Instrumental - How great Thou art
Leanne Rymes - Amazing Grace

I have learned that when i try to PUSH God away, He PULLS me to Him..

Every day the Love of Christ Amazes me....

I know why i feel so good right now, I am coming back home to the Man, yeah that where my Father lives............................................................

Firefighter at a Cross

Firefighter at a Cross

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About Me

I am a fun loving guy. I try to live every day to the fullest, and live my life as a mirror image of Jesus. I fall short consistently but every day i strive to make Him smile!!!!!!!!!!