Wednesday, September 14, 2011


So latley Jenny and My Finances have been really on my mine. I hate that money is controling my thoughts, but it does. I wish money did not mean as much as it does. Maybe it does not mean anything, but for some reason I put it on this "Pedal Stool". I want my controling thoughts to be the Lord (like it use to be). I remember when almost everyone of my thoughts was the Lord. That was when I was the closes to Him. I still feel like I am close to Him and I still feel like I lean on Him, but its not like I would like it to be. Its hard cause I want to be the best I can be in everything I do, so when my relationship with the Lord is not the best that it could be I get angry at myself.
Jenny and I just started to tithe. Its hard for me to give more money away. I am looking forward to it though, cause we are going to be challanged to give our finances to Him. The thought of weekly tithe makes me think of another payment that I owe. So in my mind its like, car payments, house payment, duke bill, phone bill, water bill, and tithes. It bad to group my tithes with those other early things but I do. I just pry that the Lord will work on my heart and change the way I think. I dont know this is something that has really been on my heart.

50 days till school is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am a fun loving guy. I try to live every day to the fullest, and live my life as a mirror image of Jesus. I fall short consistently but every day i strive to make Him smile!!!!!!!!!!