Thursday, May 19, 2016

What would Jesus do?

So the question that I keep asking myself is what would Jesus do? I heard on the radio this morning that our "wonderful" president has once again made our country weak. The weakness that I am referencing is not a physical one, no he has weaken the belief system that this (once) great country was founded on. He has used the federal government to once again impact my day to day life in a negative way. Once again the evil one is celebrating by what he is watching happen in America. I am so worried for our country, and for what it will look like for my girls. I want to love my country and want to be proud to be an American, but this SOB that is leading us makes it very difficult. Let me be clear, there is no other place in the world I would choose to raise my family, but I am holding onto the hope that we can change it, and make America great again.

The issue that I am talking about is this issue of transgender bathrooms. I heard this morning that now all public schools in America have to allow boys or girls to use which ever bathroom/locker room that they "identify"with. I was and am so heart broken for this country after hearing this.

I was truly taken back with gay marriage issue a few months ago and was heart broken from that. I guess you could say time healed that wound, but then there was target issues and now this public schools restroom issue. I am trying to wrap my brain around all these changes and I just can't. I understand that living in America gives us the right to love and pray to who ever we want, but when did that ever become the business of the federal government. We live in the most powerfully nation in the world, and it is that way because of the people, not the government.

I am so tired of this liberal society that we live in.  I know being a 27 year old male, I am in the minority when it comes to how I think and what I believe, and I am 100% ok with that. Being in the minority is not always easy( i.e. What this blog is about), but when it comes to issues and a flawed system like we have, the minority is where I want to be. I want to stand up and fight for what is biblical, I want to stand on a mountain with a mag phone and tell this government that they are
destroying this country's ethics and its morals. That our federal government has forgotten that this country was founded on the principle of one nation, under One God. When the government takes out that very important detail of One God, things like this happen. I am not sure what the answer is or how to fight back, so again I ask the question, What would Jesus do?  I know this question has been over used and in some ways has lost it true meaning, but I feel as though it is one that needs to be asked with these issues that our country is facing.

I am so afraid of what another 4 or 8 years with a liberal run country will look like. How much further away from the bible can our country get? It breaks my heart to know that my girls will not get the opportunity to resite the pledge of allegiance with the words "under God" in it. That they will not get to see our dollar bills say "in God we trust". That having gay marriage and transgender bathrooms will be the norm. I am sad for my girls because anymore it seem as if all the "men" in this world are a bunch of softies. What happened to America?!?!?!

So again, What would Jesus do? Jesus was a MAN!!!!! He was and is a BAD ASS!!!! Jesus was in the minority and stood up for His Father and for what was biblical! Jesus lived His life for you and me. I am so grateful that Jesus was Man enough to stay up on that cross. I am so grateful that Jesus was Man enough to take all the insults He took and continue to take. It's a damn good thing that the same thing that was asked of Jesus is not asked of a man today. We are a country of little boys that are so afraid to say something that might offend someone and hurt their feelings!!!!

In 1944,18 year old Men stormed the beaches of Normandy into almost certain death. I want that America back!!!!. I want to live in a country where men relay on themselves  and not the government to provide. I want to live in a country where our children's heroes are not athletes, but are the Men that are fighting for our freedom. I want to live in a country that only fears God, and not each other. I want to live in country where protecting the weak and innocent is the norm. Where the constitution actually means something to our government and its people. Where the police are seen as the authority and not as a threat. Where people actually respect each other. I want to live in a country where the American flag still has patriotism written on it, and people don't stand on it. Where You can say Merry Christmas. I want to live in a country where it actually means somethings to be an American.

I believe that anything is possible with Christ and that our country can be healed. So until until my Savior comes again or I go home, I say,

God, guns, and guts,  let's bring them back to America!!!!!!!

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I am a fun loving guy. I try to live every day to the fullest, and live my life as a mirror image of Jesus. I fall short consistently but every day i strive to make Him smile!!!!!!!!!!